Wednesday, 17 April 2013

The importance of making sure your tires are properly balanced

Every time you put a tire on your car (new or used) it has to be balanced. Its really important to make sure the weight is even around the axle. Mechanics use a vary precise balancing machine that can sense as little as 1/4 ounce difference in weight around the wheel. 1/4 ounce on a wheel that weighs many pounds may not sound like a big deal, but it directly effects vibration. When you multiply that vibration by four wheels it really adds up. It can in many cases damage your alignment which causes more auto bills, which none of us want. Unbalanced tires also put uneven pressure on the tire tread, causing the tread on the tires to wear at a much faster pace. To balance the tires, the technician places tiny offsetting weights at specific points around the wheel.That tiny amount of weight is traveling very fast around the axle, hundreds of times a minute. It creates enough momentum to off set those negative vibrations.Tire imbalance can also strain the wheel bearings and suspension system.
“Not a do it once and done”, over time, your tires get out of balance again. That’s why it’s important to have tires balanced regularly. A question commonly asked How do i know when my tires are not balanced, are there any warning signs? You’re most likely to notice uneven wear on the tires. Many drivers also notice vibration over 40 mph, especially if the imbalanced tires are on the can also look at your tire where the rim and tire meet and see the small weight used to balance the tire.Many times mechanics will put the weights on the inside of the rim, however this technique is usually only used on aftermarket rims. So if you don’t notice the small weights on the in or outside of the rim its safe to say your tires are unbalanced.During typical use, it’s a good idea to have your tires rotated and balanced every 4,000 to 6,000 miles. Or if u notice vibrations while driving.

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